About Us
The Miracle League of Louisiana is a registered non-profit organization that gives children with any type of disability or special needs the opportunity to play baseball as part of team and an organized league. We are conveniently located within the Traction Sportsplex in Baton Rouge, Louisiana so that Miracle League players can feel connected to the larger youth baseball culture. Nine other fields host youth baseball and fast-pitch softball at the same times the Miracle League is hosting its games. The specialized field that Miracle League players use is a solid rubberized surface with painted bases. There are no obstacles to impede assistive devices or to cause tripping hazards. The field is a replica of all other fields including dugouts, equipment racks, foul poles, and even warning tracks.
Players are assigned to teams and given uniform jerseys and hats to wear for each game. Volunteer Coaches guide and teach the players the game of baseball to the best of each player’s abilities. Buddies are assigned to every player for the entire season to give assistance if necessary and to protect players as needed. Lasting friendships have formed out of the many pairings of buddies and players.
The games are non-competitive and everyone is a winner. Each player bats and gets a hit with the last batter hitting a homerun. Announcers are quick to call players names over the sound system as they come to bat or make an outstanding play in the field. Players love to hear the crowd cheer for them when their name is called!
Parents tell stories of their children insisting on playing despite illnesses, broken bones, and recent hospitalizations. They tell how players’ physical therapy appointments become more exciting and players work harder because “it will help them improve their baseball.” Parents also share that they appreciate the fact that they are allowed to be parents in the stands and watch the excitement on the players’ faces when they have done something impressive.
Play Ball!
Sign up to Play
The Miracle League is a non-competitive offering for children with physical or mental disabilities. Games are played on our specialized field which provides a safe and fun program for the kids to hit, run, and catch – just like their peers. The Leagues consists of 8-10 games with one game played per week. Registration is open to kids at least 6 years of age with physical or mental disabilities. Each player is assigned to a team and given a uniform shirt and hat to wear at every game. Registration fees are $30 per child; however, scholarship applications are available upon request. League games are held on weeknights in the Spring and Fall.​
All registration fees must be received in our office no later than the registration deadline in order for your child to be placed on a team and receive their uniform. If you will be mailing a check, please make sure to send it in enough time.
If you have any questions about registration or playing for The Miracle League, please contact Katie Polito, League Director at kpolito@miracleleaguecm.org.
Fee to play is $35
Payments can be via PayPal below or mailed or hand delivered to the following address:
Fabricated Pipe, Inc.
11130 Industriplex Blvd, Suite 400
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
Join Our Team
The Miracle League relies on our amazing volunteers to help us deliver a positive, safe and enjoyable experience for our athletes. Volunteering with The Miracle League is a great way to gain experience working with children with disabilities and to give back to the community.
There are a number of volunteer opportunities available – we hope you’ll join us!
Buddies – Assist and protect a player during the game. Each buddy will be assigned a player for the entire season. Buddies will make a commitment to the player to participate in all games and arrive 30 minutes prior to the game. Buddies can specify in their registration if they would like to be a Substitute Buddy. While not assigned to a player full-time, they will be assigned to a team, and will assist the coach by filling in for absent buddies or general assistance in the dugout during games.
Coaches – Two coaches are assigned to each team. Coaches are required to arrive 30 minutes before their game and turn in a lineup to the announcer. Coaches set out and pick up all equipment for games, manage attendance and participation of players and buddies on their assigned team, ensure every player has a buddy for every game, provide guidance, encouragement and compassion to the players and buddies and help ensure the games run smoothly each week. Games last for one hour, and there are no practices. Coaches should be prepared to attend every game.
Umpires – Start and end the game on time. Ensure games run at a continuous pace by allowing batters 3 pitched balls then placing the ball on the tee for the batter to hit. Call runners safe. Umpires provide support and encouragement to athletes as they round the bases and assist with safety and equipment. They will also ensure that all players have buddies by their side prior to the start of every inning.
Announcers – Announce the players over the sound system and keep games on time.
Video Board Operator – Operate video board with player pictures as they come up to bat and with special effects.
Greeters – Greet and encourage all Miracle League players and family at the drop off area in front of the Cypress Mounds entrance pavilion. Wait with players who have been dropped off while parents park their vehicles or ensure they enter the park safely. This is an important aspect of volunteering for The Miracle League. Parents of players have come to rely on these greeters so that they know they can leave their child while they park their car! The players have to come to love the high fives and cheers they get when entering!
Volunteers must be at least 13 years of age. No prior experience is needed.
** Volunteers over the age of 18 will be required to pass a background check **
Volunteer orientation is REQUIRED for all new volunteers – information on how this will take place will be emailed to new registrants.
If you have questions or want more information about volunteering, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@miracleleaguecm.org.
Miracle League Staff
Executive Staff
Brandi Polito Aertker - Executive Director
Katie Polito - League Director
Charlene Lauman - Volunteer Coordinator
Dustin Polito - Marketing and Outreach
Board of Directors
Ronnie Polito, President
James B. Rutland, Vice President
Jonathan B. Bruser, Secretary/ Treasurer
David Dellucci
Sid J. Gautreaux, III
Hillar C. Moore, III
Corporate Sponsors
For information on how to become a corporate sponsor, please email Dustin Polito at dpolito@miracleleaguecm.org

Please Consider a Donation
Through monetary contributions and donations of land, construction labor and materials, the field of for The Miracle League has been completed. Our inaugural game took place on May 2, 2011 and seasonal Leagues are well under way.
To make a secure online donation, click the donate button below. To make a donation in honor or in memory of someone special, please indicate this in the “Add special instructions for the seller” box while reviewing your payment and prior to submitting the donation.
Or, checks can be made payable to:
Miracle League of Louisiana and mailed to:
The Miracle League of Louisiana
11130 Industriplex Blvd.
Suite 400
Baton Rouge, LA 70809
The Miracle League of Louisiana is a non-profit corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Louisiana. The Internal Revenue Service has determined that this Organization is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. A copy of the Tax-Exempt Determination Letter issued by the Internal Revenue Code will be provided at your request.
Contact Us
(Physical Address NOT Mailing Address)
1430 Gardere Ln
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70820